Friday 10 May 2013

Digi Pack

For our DigiPack we wanted to keep in line with the dark image we had throughout our video. Therefore we questioned different ideas, such as a large photo collage, and also by having just the box as the centre of attention. But we decided on the idea below, a dark feeling but keeping it simplistic, yet effective.

Front cover:

First Centre page:

Fold out Page:

Second Centre (CD) page:

Third Centre Page:

Back Page:
Overall View:

Sunday 5 May 2013

Band Photos

We took a few photos to use in our promotional website for the band. I think they turned out really well.

Thursday 21 March 2013


We have now filmed the forest scenes and are hoping to film the rest soon. All that is left to film is the beach scenes.

Friday 15 March 2013

Shooting Script for Beach Scenes


Time - Afternoon

Actor - Ryan

Costume - Aron jumper, old jeans, water boats, farmers hat.

Shots -
+Wide shot of fisherman, with water in background
+Mid shot on fisherman
+Shot of box in the water
+Med shot of fisherman picking up the box
+Jump cut as fisherman walks along the beach carrying the box
+Over the shoulder shot as he walks and opening the box
+High angle as he goes mad and passes out
+Mid shot as he wakes up and runs away

70s Man

Time Midday

Actor Joel

Costume Long coat, glasses, gelled down hair, black contacts, sandals

Shots -
+Tilt shot from box to man walking
+Over the shoulder, wiping sand off the box
+Mid shot as he opens the box and goes crazy
+Extreme close up of his eyes as they are now black

Ritual Scene

Time Dusk

Actor Ryan

Costume Black robes, black cloak, mask

Shots -
+Mid shot of the fire
+Low angle from fire to ritual leader
+Over the shoulder of ritual leader as he lifts his arms to command the fire
+Medium shot from the side as he opens the box to put the spirit in and walks away
+Some shots of the fire from all angles

Thursday 14 March 2013

Box idea w/pictures

The video is going to begin with a group of hooded figures partaking in a ritual on a beach and their leader taking spirits/memories out of his body and placing them in the box.

After the leader places the spirits/memories into the box he then travels to the forest and buries the box.

an ancient hunter is walking through the forest along with his dog. his dog begins to dig up the buried box. when the hunter opens the box he become possessed an his eyes change colour etc. the hunter later awakes and throws the box into the sea.

An old fisherman is looking through his net and discovers the box. he opens the box and becomes possessed just as the hunter did. after he awakes he carries the box to the beach and digs a hole and buries the box under the sand.

The song ends as there is a shot from the man in the graves view of the dirt covering him over.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Shooting Script for Forest Scenes

Scene - Hunter

Date - Mon 18th March 2013

Location - Tullymore Forest Park (OUTDOORS)

Actor(s) - Jim Feeney, Jonathan Fitzimmons,

Costume - Jonathan Fitzsimmons

Props - BOX, Bow & Arrow, Tape, Marker, Black Lenses

Lighting - High key, shoot during the day

Shot List:
+Wide shot of hunter through trees, dog alongside?
+Extreme close up on hunters eyes
+Mid shot of dog sniffing on the ground
+Jump cut, medium shot hunter investigating what the dog was sniffing
+Low angle on box, facing upwards towards the hunter, on his knees, as it is slowly opened
+Close up on a raven
+Extreme close up on hunters eyes, looks excited
+Static filled wide shot of band playing
+Extreme close up on hunters eyes, black
+ Close up on hand tightening on bow
+Close up on hunters teeth in a grimace
+High angle as his head is moving frantically from side to side
+Mid shot from the side as the hunter grabs his head in his hands, on his knees
+Jump cut, high angle on hunter lying face down in the dirt, eyes closed
+Cut to bingo card, half filled in
+Canted angle focused on hunters face as he opens his eyes
+Pan shot around to the back of the box
+Focus pull onto the box

=> Hunter in one final shot on beach throwing box into the water

Self Burial

Date - Mon 18th March 2013

Location - Tullymore Forest Park (OUTDOORS)

Actor(s) - Jim Feeney,

Costume - Jim Feeney - 70s glasses, black lenses, old clothes

Props - BOX, Shovel, Tape, Marker, Black Lenses

Shot List:
+Shot along the shovel, being carried over the guy's shoulder as he heads into the woods
+Shot along the shovel, being carried over the guy's shoulder as he walks between trees
+Shot along the shovel, being carried over the guy's shoulder as he is about to begin digging
+Out of focus long shot of digging
+High angle shot, in grave, box on chest
+POV shot from inside the grave, ring leader on the edge, with shovel, begins to fill grave in
This is an animatic storyboard for our new idea

Friday 8 March 2013

Shooting Scripts and Locations!

Ill Wind - OKS Day 1 - Shot(s) 1.35

Scene - Indoors 70s
Date - Wed 13 March 2013
Location - 70's style living room (INDOORS) - Crumlin
Actor(s) - Joel McBrien
Costume - Green shirt (buttoned), Trench Coat, Trousers, Socks, Sandals, Large Rounded Glasses, Black Contact Lenses, Hair combed to viewers left - Gel
Props - Old 70's styled box television, flowers in vase, sofa cover, BOX- placed on actors knee, Green Paper, Blue tac, Duct Tape Marker
Lighting - Builder light, Reflector
Shot list - Tilt shot running up actors body (face hypnotised)
+Panned shot of him twitching and spinning
+Close Up of actors face (normal) & Close up of actors face (twitching and spinning)
+Over the shoulder of actor - sofa can be seen, One with static Tv & One with OKS on tv.
+High Angle of box on knee
+Low Angle focus pull of box then Actors hypnotised face.
+Close up on Tv with OKS playing

Ill Wind - OKS Day 2 - Shot(s) 1.6 - 1.12, 1.14 - 1.21, 1.36 - 1.39

Date - Mon 18th March 2013
Location - Crumlin Glen (OUTDOORS)
Actor(s) - Joel McBrien, Jonathan Fitzsimmons,
Costume - Joel McBrien - Wife Beater (White), Trousers, Socks, Sandals, Large Rounded Glasses, Black Contact Lenses. Jonathan Fitzimmons - Medieval Costume - Green Jumper, Brown Trousers, Brown Leather Shoes, Brown Belt.
Props - BOX, shovel, Large White Sheet, Bow & Arrow, Tape, Marker, Black Lenses x3,
Shot List - Tilt shot running up actors body (face hypnotised)
+Panned shot of him twitching and spinning
+Close Up of actors face (normal) & Close up of actors face (twitching and spinning)
+Over the shoulder of actor - sofa can be seen, One with static Tv & One with OKS on tv.
+High Angle of box on knee
+Low Angle focus pull of box then Actors hypnotised face.
+Long Shot of forest walking, and long shot of box thrown into the water.

Ill Wind - OKS Day 3 - Shot(s)

Scene - Opening ritual
Date - Wed 20th March 2013
Location - Beach (Crumlin Outback) (OUTDOORS)
Actor(s) - Ryan Cairnes
Costume - Dark cloaks. Ring leader wrapped in cloth, white altered mask.
Props - BOX, Tape, Marker, Torches, LED lights x 2, Black lense
Shot List - Opening shot of fire, Fire exploding, long shot
+Wide pan shot of ritual group
+Close up on ring leaders eyes, black
+Mid shot focus on ring leaders chest as he puts his hand over it
+Low angle shot of box as ring leader places the light into it
+Shot from in front of the ring leader, box the main focus as it is closed
+Low angle of fire and actor

Ill Wind - OKS Day 4 - Shot(s)

Date - Sat 23rd March
Location - Beach (Crumlin Outback)  (OUTDOORS)
Actor(s) - Ryan Cairnes, Joel McBrien
Costume - Joel McBrien - Green shirt (buttoned), Trench Coat, Trousers, Socks, Sandals, Large Rounded Glasses, Black Contact Lenses, Hair combed to viewers left - Gel. Ryan Cairnes - Fisher Iron Jumper, Dark Trousers, High Shoes, Fisherman Hat
Props - Box, Bucket, Fishing Line, Tape, Shovel
Shot List - Long Shot of Joel Walking along beach
+Over the shoulder of box
+Jump back Wide
+Rule of Thirds
+High Angle
+Canted onto Dark Eyes
+Long Shot of Fiherman
+Close up
+Wide Shot
+Long shot of Box in water
+Point of View

Thursday 7 March 2013

Change in direction

As you may have guessed from the last few posts on the blog we have created a new idea. This idea is a lot different to our others but it is more in line with the image the band wants for the song. After we emailed our ideas to the band they, said that their vision for the song was more dark as it is about bad luck and unfortunate turns in life. So the new idea we have created reflects that sort of mood.

Refined Box Idea

Establishing shot's- Opening shot of a  ritual of a leader taking spirits/memories out of his body and placing them in the box. Done using special effects/lights, will be open to interpretation what this signifies. The ring leader is covered in dirt and grime, his hair is grey and his hands are wrapped in cloth. This will be filmed on a beach in dusk/night time. The scene will be lit by torches which will be in shot, there will be a few people crowding around a central fire . The people will be wearing black cloaks and you will never see their faces, the only face that is seen is the ring leader. After the ritual is complete the ringleader buries the box in the forest.

The music starts- There is a shot of a hunter from olden times, close up on his eyes, he is hunting with a bow and his dog is running with him. He is dressed in old green cloth. Dirt lines his face and he is skinny, as if he never has enough to eat. The dog sniffs out something in the ground, the hunter investigates and digs up the box. Initially he is delighted, overjoyed.. this new box has so much promise. When he opens it there is a close up of his pupils dilating and a glow from the box. This is when the chorus of memories will kick in. (This will act as a sound motif as every time it is heard the character with the box will appear to have a terrifying vision, to include some negative omens and also a flickering static tv of a moment of band performance). He then begins to go crazy, eyes turn black (using black contact lenses) and we can do several close ups, hands tightening on his bow, vicious teeth, a close up of his eyes and the bridge of his nose as he takes deep breaths. His head begins to move frantically from side to side and there are flashes all around him, his head moves as if he is trying to follow the flashes. He grabs his head and falls to his knees, the flashes continue. Jump cut to the hunter just lying in the dirt, eyes closed. He looks like he has been there for a while. He opens his eyes, they have returned to normal. Cut to the box, out of focus, the hunter in the background in focus, he sees the box, focus pull onto the box. Cut and the hunter is throwing the box into the sea. Long, wide shot, blurry, the hunter is just a silhouette, a shadow of his former self almost.

The next shot we see is of an older style fisher man. Close up on his eyes. He is dressed in a thick woollen jumper and a woollen hat. He is pulling in a net from over the side of a rock wall. Cut to him going through the contents of the net. He comes across the box. Wipes seaweed off of it. Again, he is clearly excited at the great mystery and potential of this box.He slowly lifts the lid open and takes a peek inside. The same glow as before. His hands fly to his eyes, he covers them with the palms of his hands. Repeat of the vision and motifs as befell the hunter during the chorus scene. When he pulls them away to scream silently, we can see that his eyes have changed too. He falls onto his back from his kneeling position and passes out. Cut to him despairingly carrying the box wrapped in old cloth along the beach. He digs a hole in the sand with his hands and buries the box.

The next shot is of a 70's young man on a beach with a metal detector, big headphones etc. Close up on his eyes. Again, great excitement at having found this wonderful object. He finds the buried box and opens it but this time there is a different effect of the spirit entering his body from the box, similar to that from the start when it was originally put into the box. Shot of him at home in dark room nothing but the tv for light as video of OKS is on the tv, he sits lifeless in the chair. Next shot he is going into the woods with a shovel and digs a big hole and climbs in. He then lies down with the box. It is now that we see that his eyes have also changed. The camera then changes to a shot of the original ring leader standing over the grave filling it in. The song ends as there is a shot from the man in the graves view of the dirt covering him over.

Monday 4 March 2013

Box Idea, outline of narrative

Establishing shot's- Opening shot of a Celtic pagan ritual of ring leader taking spirits/memories out of his body and placing them in the box. The ring leader is covered in dirt and grime, his hair is grey and his hands are wrapped in cloth. This will be filmed on a beach in dusk/night time. The scene will be lit by torches which will be in shot, there will be 7/8 people crowding around a central fire and a stone altar. The people will be wearing black cloaks and you will never see their faces, the only face that is seen is the ring leader. After the ritual is complete the ringleader buries the box in the forest.

The music starts- There is a shot of a hunter from olden times, close up on his eyes, he is hunting with a bow and his dog is running with him. He is dressed in old green cloth. Dirt lines his face and he is skinny, as if he never has enough to eat. The dog sniffs out something in the ground, the hunter investigates and digs up the box. When he opens it there is a close up of his pupils dilating and a glow from the box. This is when the chorus of memories will kick in. This will act as a sound motif as every time it is heard the character with the box will appear to have a terrifying vision. He then begins to go crazy, eyes turn black (using black contact lenses) and we can do several close ups, hands tightening on his bow, vicious teeth, a close up of his eyes and the bridge of his nose as he takes deep breaths. His head begins to move frantically from side to side and there are flashes all around him, his head moves as if he is trying to follow the flashes. He grabs his head and falls to his knees, the flashes continue. Jump cut to the hunter just lying in the dirt, eyes closed. He looks like he has been there for a while. He opens his eyes, they have returned to normal. Cut to the box, out of focus, the hunter in the background in focus, he sees the box, focus pull onto the box. Cut and the hunter is throwing the box into the sea. Long, wide shot, blurry, the hunter is just a silhouette, a shadow of his former self almost.

Th next shot we see is of an older style fisher man. Close up on his eyes. He is dressed in a thick woollen jumper and a woollen hat. He is pulling in a net from over the side of a rock wall. Cut to him going through the contents of the net. He comes across the box. Wipes seaweed off of it. He slowly lifts the lid open and takes a peek inside. The same glow as before. His hands fly to his eyes, he covers them with the palms of his hands. When he pulls them away to scream silently, we can see that his eyes have changed too. He falls onto his back from his kneeling position and passes out. Cut to him carrying the box wrapped in old cloth along the beach. He digs a hole in the sand with his hands and buries the box.

The next shot is of a 70's young man on a beach with a metal detector. Close up on his eyes. He finds the buried box and opens it but this time there is a different effect of the spirit entering his body from the box, similar to that from the start when it was originally put into the box. Shot of him at home in dark room nothing but the tv for light as video of OKS is on the tv, he sits lifeless in the chair. Next shot he is going into the woods with a shovel and digs a big hole and climbs in. He then lies down with the box. It is now that we see that his eyes have also changed. The camera then changes to a shot of the original ring leader standing over the grave filling it in. The song ends as there is a shot from the man in the graves view of the dirt covering him over.

Hope this is enough to give you a good idea of how we want this video to go and what we are trying to do.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

New Ideas

Box- This idea consists of the transference of a box that would represent memories. We would never see the inside of the box but those putting things in the box would see inside and be awed by it. They would add something to the box. Go through a couple of people this way. The first person to find the box digs it up and the last buries it in the same place.

Significant items- This idea would follow the camera looking around an empty house and focusing in on individual items that don't seem significant but are linked to memories. There would then be a graphic match between a close up of the item in the house and another close up of it being used in the memory e.g. a dog's collar, the dog wearing the collar on a sunny day out. Then cut back to the house and we realise that the dog is now dead.


Simple drawings? With undertones of darkness and something being wrong?

Alcohol abuse?

Cutting between memories and the present which is very blurry shots of a man lying sprawled across a bed. His arm is dangling over the edge with an empty bottle lying on the floor nearby. This scene is slowly revealed and hinted at through different shots between the clearer, happier memories. The memos steadily get darker before the final one which takes place the night before with the man drinking a lot, due to grief? In the final line of the song the audience realises that the man has died, maybe through someone taking his pulse, or the flash of a camera.

A similar idea to that above but a man sitting alone in an empty room is the present, keeps looking at the clock. Memories have some hint at time such as egg timers, the timer on a microwave or an alarm clock going off. Possibly an old person reflecting on their life. Another take on this could be a young boy walking in from school. He sees a memory from when he is slightly older. Cut back to the young boy and he is now the older version of himself, this continues until he is an old man. Throughout the flashbacks the house slowly empties, of both possessions and people alike. The old man lies down in bed for the last line and shuts his eyes. Time is a constant factor in the memories, which are small things, nothing specific, getting darker, more bleak as the boy ages. Mise en scene for the various characters throughout the flashbacks. Main character wearing something similar each time so as to maintain the link in the audience's mind.

Montage of going through life, from baby to toddler to child, to young teen to young adult etc until early death. Focus on failures. The character's life gets steadily worse with each cut.

Door- Slightly slowed down, inside his head. Walking through doorway into different memories. Trying to get away from his past. Bursts through a door, falls into river. Make each scene look creepy, with editing. Steps out from the door, nearly gets hit by a car as he sees someone who looks like himself in the distance.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Screen Shots of Videos

This is a collection of Screen Shots e took from our favourite bands videos. We believe these shots would be brilliant to use in our music video, and would be something to consider and practice.