Thursday 14 March 2013

Box idea w/pictures

The video is going to begin with a group of hooded figures partaking in a ritual on a beach and their leader taking spirits/memories out of his body and placing them in the box.

After the leader places the spirits/memories into the box he then travels to the forest and buries the box.

an ancient hunter is walking through the forest along with his dog. his dog begins to dig up the buried box. when the hunter opens the box he become possessed an his eyes change colour etc. the hunter later awakes and throws the box into the sea.

An old fisherman is looking through his net and discovers the box. he opens the box and becomes possessed just as the hunter did. after he awakes he carries the box to the beach and digs a hole and buries the box under the sand.

The song ends as there is a shot from the man in the graves view of the dirt covering him over.

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