Friday 15 March 2013

Shooting Script for Beach Scenes


Time - Afternoon

Actor - Ryan

Costume - Aron jumper, old jeans, water boats, farmers hat.

Shots -
+Wide shot of fisherman, with water in background
+Mid shot on fisherman
+Shot of box in the water
+Med shot of fisherman picking up the box
+Jump cut as fisherman walks along the beach carrying the box
+Over the shoulder shot as he walks and opening the box
+High angle as he goes mad and passes out
+Mid shot as he wakes up and runs away

70s Man

Time Midday

Actor Joel

Costume Long coat, glasses, gelled down hair, black contacts, sandals

Shots -
+Tilt shot from box to man walking
+Over the shoulder, wiping sand off the box
+Mid shot as he opens the box and goes crazy
+Extreme close up of his eyes as they are now black

Ritual Scene

Time Dusk

Actor Ryan

Costume Black robes, black cloak, mask

Shots -
+Mid shot of the fire
+Low angle from fire to ritual leader
+Over the shoulder of ritual leader as he lifts his arms to command the fire
+Medium shot from the side as he opens the box to put the spirit in and walks away
+Some shots of the fire from all angles

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